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Can HSA/FSA Benefits Be Used for Eye Surgeries Like LASIK, Cataracts or Glaucoma?

Eye surgery can be expensive. Fortunately, HSAs and FSAs can be used toward the eye surgery you need.

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Tips to Relax Your Eyes

Do your eyes hurt after spending a significant amount of time reading, playing video games, driving, or staring at a screen? These visually intense activities can sometimes be hard on the eyes, causing uncomfortable symptoms like headaches and blurry vision. Other symptoms of eye strain can include light sensitivity, neck...
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COVID Update & Reopening

Dear Valued Patient, We are happy to announce that on the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Optometric Association (AOA), MS Department of Health and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), our practice will be able to begin seeing patients and reopening sales...
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The Power of Tears

Tears flush out toxins, provide vital oxygen and nutrients to our eyes, and, among countless other benefits, ensure that our eyes remain lubricated and healthy. Read on to learn more about the composition of tears and how they benefit not only our eyes, but also our general well-being.

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Home Remedies For Dry Eye

If your eyes burn, itch or feel gritty, you may have dry eye syndrome. This is typically caused by a low production of tears or low-quality tears. Many substances and situations can cause dry eyes, such as the medication you’re taking, the time spent staring at your phone or computer...
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How Smoking Impacts Vision

Smoking harms nearly every system in your body — including your eyes. Though we are all aware of the health effects associated with smoking, such as lung cancer, heart disease, and bad teeth, few know about the negative impact it can have on our vision. Smoking and Eye Disease Smoking,...
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